Monday, November 17, 2014

Dance At A Cotillion

A cotillion was originally a dance performed by 4 couples, but the modern meaning is a formal dance. It's most often given for young people who have taken classes in ballroom dance, table manners and social graces and serves as a sort of graduation exercise.


1. Begin by learning several ballroom dances. This is usually done through dance lessons, but if you have natural talent and a partner, you can buy videos that will teach you the dances.

2. Arrange to attend the cotillion. Most cotillions are held for the young people that have been learning behave in formal social situations, and only they and their families are invited. Others invite only members of a particular club or group of people, but you can find cotillions that are open to anyone willing to buy a ticket.

3. Learn the etiquette of the cotillion. For instance, you don't want to show up bare-handed at a cotillion where white gloves are expected.

4. Ask someone to dance or wait to be asked to dance. At most cotillions, you are expected to dance with several partners and not monopolize the time of one person.

5. Do the dance as it was taught to you. Don't improvise, perform complex choreographed movements on the floor or dance too closely. Take the proper position on the dance floor based on how much you will travel while dancing.