Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bulk Gift Basket Supplies & Gifts

Bulk Gift Basket Supplies & Gifts

To start a gift basket store or service, you must have places to buy items that go in the gift baskets at less than retail price. There are wholesalers that specialize in gift basket items, but also look to specialty companies, including those that sell food. For most wholesale purchasing in the United States, you must have a business tax ID number.

JDW Distributors

JDW Distributors, found at, has a selection of standard gift basket supplies, including baskets, tissue, cellophane, ribbons and gift items. You will need to register a business account before buying, but a catalog is available.

Creative Gift Packaging

Creative Gift Packaging is a gift basket supply business that wholesales a variety of items, including baskets, mailing materials and gift items. There are regular specials at and you can also purchase custom labels with your company's name.

BoxCo Industries

BoxCo Industries, at, provides themed gift packaging in an array of seasonal, event, birthday, professional and custom designs. Custom orders have lower minimums, and the company has boxes for most occasions.

Artistic Gift Baskets

Artistic Gift Baskets is a Wisconsin-based company at It wholesales gift basket supplies. The company also supplies flowers, plants, stuffed animals and themed items.

Finding Suppliers

To seek out regional or local suppliers that produce small gift items, attend local craft and trade shows. Collect business cards and explain what you want. Home crafters will want to earn money making gift items for your baskets. These might include homemade salsas, jellies, dip mixes, jewelry, doilies, home décor, bookmarks and postcards.