Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Contemporary Art Jobs

The starving artist myth rarely applies in today's competitive art market.

As the art market becomes increasingly globalized, working in the contemporary art sector is now widely considered to be a glamorous position, especially for those who are passionate about art and have the intellectual chops necessary to prove their devotion. The one thing these careers all have in common is that, while they can be highly lucrative, they are also quite competitive.


The starving artist cliche of the past rarely applies to contemporary artists. With the advent of MFA programs across the country, and the exploding market for contemporary art, those with an original vision, good contacts and a strong gallery support system, can make at least a decent living as an artist. While not every art school graduate will go on to become a superstar artist, in today's increasingly visual-based culture, artists can find gainful employment in related fields such as graphic design and advertising, while waiting for their big break.


Commercial art gallerists are entrepreneurial individuals who largely deal with the business side of the art world. At the same time, it is an extremely sophisticated form of business to be in. Gallerists must be savvy about contemporary art trends and the ever-shifting nature of the art market. They must work to develop a clientele that shares their aesthetic interests, and to whom they can defend, and even sell, controversial decisions they make regarding the type of art they show in their galleries.

Art Critic

Art critics work either on a freelance basis or are employed contractually by newspapers or specialist art magazines to review exhibitions and write about the work of single artists, as well as essays on more general trends in contemporary art. For those working a freelance basis, the job can be extremely strenuous and is not always well paid. At the same time, art critics often go on to land book contracts, which can be quite lucrative, as well as well-paid teaching positions on the university level.


Curators are among the most well paid professionals in today's contemporary art market. This is a position that combines intellectual work with administrative duties. Curators conceive ideas and concepts for art exhibitions, working in tandem with artists and galleries or art institutions such as museums. They then work towards executing the process, which can involve everything from marketing to hanging the art on the walls with the gallery staff. While many curators work on a freelance basis, others have contractual positions at museums or other institutions. Still others are employed in teaching positions at universities.