Thursday, May 15, 2014

Choose Paint For A Polyester Flag

Fabric paints allow you to color your polyester flag desired shades.

Waving a flag or attaching one to a car or bicycle is an instant way to achieve a very festive look or to show your support or solidarity with a sports team, country or cause. However, it's not always easy to find a flag in your desired colors. Luckily painting a polyester flag allows you to transform it into the shades you want it to be or to exert your own creative energies on the flag.


1. Look only at acrylic-based paints or fabric paints. Read the labels to make sure both of these varieties are suitable for polyester fabric. You can just use straight acrylic paint for canvases on the flag, but that will mean you can't ever wash the flag and such paints will also make the fabric stiff.

2. Look at all options of fabric and acrylic paints and consider your needs. If you just want to paint a section of the flag, you might just need fabric paint pens or markers. If you just want to paint on designs to the flag, you can use fabric scratching paints and tools. To change the entire color of the polyester, use jars or tubes of fabric paint with brushes and just brush the color on.

3. Purchase several shades of your desired colors. You don't know exactly how a given color will end up looking on your flag as it depends on the nature of the brand of paint and the color that your polyester flag is already. Dark colors might look light and vice versa. Always experiment on a section of your flag and make sure you have more than one shade of a given color.