Create Your Own Animated Character Without Downloading
When social networking and bulletin board websites first started, an avatar or photo image was used to represent a member. Now it is becoming common for sites to allow animated character images as well. Avatar animations are not only fully customizable, but the items and accessories are updated frequently to correlate with the latest fashion trends.
Instructions Meez Maker." Choose a gender to begin the animation wizard. Choose from different hairstyles and facial structures under "Change Look."
3. Accessorize your animation. Click the "Themes," "Animations," and "Backgrounds" menu options to add custom clothing, layouts and other items.
4. Save your animation. Click the "Save" button under the preview window and fill in the form with your user information. Click "Create My Account" when you are done.
5. Earn coins. Go to "Shop > Get Coinz." Choose to either buy coins, take a survey, complete an offer, or play games. Although there are some accessories that are free, coins are required for the more popular items.