Wednesday, January 16, 2013

About Artists

About Artists

Artists have existed since prehistoric times, when they created paintings in caves about hunting and marriage. They reflect sentiment and feeling about their contemporary age, expressing it in a visual manner meant to convey meaning and message to the viewer.


Because art has existed for so long, artists are typically categorized according to media, era, and location. Types of media include drawings (pen, ink), sculpture (carved, cut), printmaking (rubber stamps, silkscreen, rubbings), mechanized (photography, computer generated), and painting (oils, acrylics).

Artistic eras include: prehistoric, ancient, classical (Greek, Roman), Middle Ages, early Renaissance (Byzantine), Gothic, high Renaissance, romanticism, realism, Impressionism, Cubism, surrealism, Pop art and electronically Influenced art.


Artists seek to express themselves through the act of creating art. The art created can also be functional, adding practical use to a space. Gambian artist Momodou Ceesay, for example, describes how his art functions to assist children in learning about culture. Artists can tell a story and express feelings or cultural ideas through art.


Artists have the ability to create a profound impact on those that view their art. Pieces of art can define the history and culture of the artist's time. Artists can make change on local levels, too, by creating murals in urban areas and displaying art at local colleges and art shows. When people view art, they are generally affected by it emotionally; the art also has an effect on the ambiance of the room it is in.


Due to the popularization of stereotypes, many believe that all artists lead a desperate and impoverished life, but this is simply untrue. In urban areas, local galleries frequently feature and promote their city's artists and careers. Many artists are also highly educated, working full time in academia teaching art or in another field and profiting from art on the side. Photographers in particular have increased earning potential due to the demand for stock photos on the Internet. Many artists also profit by vending at craft fairs and mass art shows on weekends.


Patrons can view the works of artists in museums and art galleries. Those wishing to support contemporary artists can locate and purchase a piece of art from local artists whose work is displayed in local restaurants or galleries (one can also find local artists at the website Metroplexart). Historically, artists from different regions of the globe and Europe in particular were grouped geographically, as it was considered that each school possessed identifiable qualities. Due to globalization, artists are sometimes grouped according to nationality or representation of heritage, but are also promoted simply under their individual names.