Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Design Your Own Tattoo Stencil

Designing your own stencil can make a tattoo more personal.

A tattoo stencil is a broad outline of a particular image that is transferred onto the body to work as a guide for a tattoo artist to follow. All tattoos require a stencil except those that are done "freehand," and only a highly experienced artist should attempt a freehand tattoo. Designing the stencil for yourself is a creative way of incorporating your own personal touch to a tattoo and can help ensure it is unique and deeply personal.


1. Draw the desired tattoo image onto a blank sheet of white paper, using a regular pencil. Correct any mistakes with your eraser and take time to carefully craft every single detail.

2. Trace over the pencil lines with your black marker. A thin black marker may be the best way to ensure smooth and crisp lines, but if your particular design requires a thick marker, you can use a thick marker or simply go over certain places multiple times with a thin one to broaden the lines.

3. Flip the paper over and copy the image onto the back side of the paper. This is necessary because it is the reverse image of a design that is tattooed so it will lay frontwards on your body.

4. Place the stencil paper over the reverse image and trace the design with your tattoo stencil pencil. It is best to do this in a very well-lit area so every line shows through, and you should tape the papers down so they do not move while you are tracing.

5. Allow a professional artist to apply the stencil to your body. He will shave the area and wipe it down with deodorant or another solution so the stencil ink will stick to your skin.