Friday, January 18, 2013

About Cotillions

Cotillion is a type of training that young adults and children attend to learn proper etiquette, manners and social behaviors within the context of formal dancing. The attendees dress in dressy attire (many cotillions stress the importance of white gloves). In many cases, Cotillion is executed in the style of a party or class. Some of the ballroom dances that are included in Cotillion are the tango, cha cha, swing, waltz and foxtrot.


Cotillion originated in France in the 1700s as a style of social dancing. The French Cotillion dance was originally composed of four dancing couples aligned in a square formation. The name Cotillion is derived from the French word for petticoat, "cotillon." This name came about because of the flash of the petticoats as the partners turned in dance.


In many parts of the United States, Cotillion has religious significance (particularly Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana). A lot of times the Cotillion is seen as the emergence of a young female in society and church. Young women in Cotillion are supposed to represent chastity and grace and be good depictions of polite society.


There are many notable Cotillion balls all over the United States. Some of the most well known Cotillion balls are the Las Madrinas Ball in Los Angeles, California, The International Debutant Ball in New York City, The Passavant Cotillion in Chicago, Illinois, The Cotillion in Shreveport, Louisiana and The Assembly of Philadelphia, in Philadephia, Pennsylvania.


There are a lot of benefits to young adults and children attending Cotillion. Cotillion not only teaches etiquette, manners, social graces and dancing, but it also emphasizes positive social interaction, showing respect to other people and increasing self-confidence in young adults.


There are also different Cotillions out there that cater to specific cultures and ethnic communities. There are African-American Cotillions, Polish-American Cotillions, Catholic Cotillions, Hispanic Cotillions, German Cotillions, Cajun Cotillions and many other different types.