Monday, March 3, 2014

Be A Game Creator

Game designers have many platforms that they can design games for.

Becoming a game creator is a great way of doing something you love for a living. The road can be long and hard, but once you reach your goal it can be worth it. Learning the ins and outs of the industry is a must if you want to be successful. When you become a game creator you get to use your imagination while creating exciting products for other video game enthusiasts.


1. Play a lot of games. This is the easiest step of all, and one you likely have already be doing. Having a good grasp of how video games work from a consumer standpoint is a very important step if you want to design them. This doesn't mean just new games but the old classics as well. Start all the way back from the original Atari or Nintendo if you can and play as many classic games as you can get your hands on.

2. Decide what type of games you want to create. The more technology changes, the more opportunities open for game designers. Many game designers work and stick to one field such as computer games, console games or Web games. When first learning, many game designers start with a simple Web game because they typically require the least experience and it's a good way to get your foot in the door.

3. Read books about video game design. There is a wealth of knowledge in books about designing video games. There are a myriad of books available on the subject of designing games, which can walk you through the entire voyage to becoming a game designer.

4. Make a game. Many companies will not hire you until you can show them a game that you made. Nothing speaks as much volume as having a completed game under your belt and on your resume. The easiest type of game to start with is a Web Flash game. There are many online tutorials available to get you started.