Friday, November 7, 2014

Critique Children'S Art

Encourage children to express themselves artistically.

Art education is important for encouraging creative expression in children. As a teacher, it's important to encourage children to be proud of themselves when they express themselves through the arts. When critiquing a child's art, you may give constructive criticism but don't make the child self-conscious about her ability to create. The ultimate goal is for children to show what they are thinking and feeling without inhibitions. Tell your students how special they are individually and how proud you are of their work. Critque their work with care.


1. Praise the children for their efforts and lead with a specific compliment that shows the child you appreciate his art and are examining it closely. For instance, you may say how proud you are of the way he used his paint brush in a specific area of the painting.

2. Encourage the children to create without thinking about "rules." Although there are specific ways to make paper mache' or use a hot glue gun, there is no correct way to make art. Encourage the children to utilize the available materials any way they wish.

3. Avoid focusing an art project on the importance of getting the highest grade or reaching a specific goal. The children should enjoy themselves and be excited about whatever they create.

4. Critique the child if she shows signs that she might not finish the project. It's important for students to learn that projects must be completed from start to finish. One of the most essential things a child can learn is the importance of not giving up. If you see that she is lagging behind the other children, share tips to help her progress more quickly and introduce techniques she may want to add to her creation.

5. Do not interrupt a child who is focused on her art. Your interruption could make her lose track of precisely what she is trying to accomplish.