Drawing a silhouette can be tricky. It is best to use a model so that you will have an actual profile to trace. With a few materials, you can draw the silhouette of your subject quickly and efficiently, and then use the silhouette for future projects.
1. Place your subject at least 2 feet in front of the area where you will be drawing the silhouette. Have her hold the flashlight, as she will be shining it at the side of her head, allowing you to draw her silhouette.
2. Use tape to secure the tracing paper to the glass in the picture frame. You'll use this as your drawing board.
3. Have the subject turn on the flashlight and hold it up so that the light shines on the opposite side of her face (the one that isn't facing you). Set the glass drawing board up between you and the subject. You should be able to see a silhouette through the glass and the tracing paper of your subject. If you cannot see a clear enough silhouette to do a good tracing, try a brighter light.
4. Use the pencil to trace the profile shadow onto the paper. A silhouette is a basic shape of the side view of the face; do not worry about small details or hair.
5. Look over the silhouette after you have finished the basic lines. Use the eraser if necessary to create better curves or lines.
6. Use the Xacto knife to cut out the silhouette, if desired. Or you may wish to paint it. There are many artistic projects in which to use your completed silhouette.