Thursday, September 5, 2013

Figure Photography Techniques

Avid figure photographers experiment with poses and lighting to create outstanding images.

Figure photography is an artistic interpretation of the physical self. A subject of figure photography typically poses nude in an unusual pose meant to draw the attention of the viewer. Creating an outstanding figure photograph involves harmonizing light and gesture.

See the Model as a Sculpture

Look at the model's pose as a sculpture while preparing a figure photograph. Be aware of exactly how his entire body is positioned and make it interesting. If the model is clinching his fist, ask him to relax. If the model looks too flat through the viewfinder, ask him to turn slightly sideways.

Use One Light

Explore the possibilities that using one light offers. Try different angles of lighting for each pose the model presents. Take into account the effect of the size of the light you use. A small light gives a hard feel to the subject with definitive shadows. A large light yields softer light, illuminating the subject in a tender way, with softer shadows.

Underexpose the Photograph

Set the camera meter two to three stops under the zero exposure value. Underexposing the shot makes the skin tones look more realistic and darkens the shadows, creating a chiaroscuro effect.