Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Build With Styrofoam

Styrofoam is a versatile crafting material. It is extremely easy to work with. It can be purchased in hobby and craft stores and is readily available in a variety of forms and shapes. You can build just about anything you want with Styrofoam as long as you understand handle construction using this fun and easy material.


1. Check your glue. Hot glues and some types of craft glue burn or melt through Styrofoam. If the glue is dispensed hot, it will not work. If the glue is a craft glue, then check the label to see if it will not work with Styrofoam; it will say so on the label.

2. Cut Styrofoam sheets or shapes. To cut a Styrofoam ball or cube, use a serrated knife, hacksaw or utility knife to cut down and across the surface of the shape. You can slice Styrofoam or "whittle" it into shapes.

3. "Sand" the cut edges. Once you cut the Styrofoam, the exposed raw edge will be rough. To sand Styrofoam smooth or the shape the edges, use a second piece of Styrofoam to rub gently across rough edge.

4. Glue Styrofoam shapes together to create your artwork. Place a small amount of craft glue on each piece of Styrofoam. Press the two pieces together. For better adhesion, you may have to sand both pieces, where they will be joined, before applying the glue.

5. Paint Styrofoam sheets or shapes by applying spray paint according to manufacturer's instructions. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the paint you want to use to determine if it is safe to use on Styrofoam.

6. Place the sheet of Styrofoam on a covered surface and spray with the paint. Use a toothpick to hold the shape while you spray around it. Do not hold the spray paint too close to the Styrofoam as you are painting, but keep it about 6 to 12 inches away. You can also use craft paint and brush it on the Styrofoam.

7. Sand the Styrofoam first for better adhesion of the paint, if necessary.