Buy a Tuba
Your child is ready for band, and he has decided to play the tuba. Many schools allow students to learn music on their tubas. If your child is serious about his music, you should buy one for him. Here are some guidelines to follow when you purchase your first tuba.
1. Choose the pitch of the tuba. The BBb tuba is the most popular in use today. Beginners typically use this type of tuba.
2. Pick the best finish you can afford. Clear lacquer provides a long-lasting finish. These tubas are a shiny gold color. Gold- and silver-plated tubas can wear over time. Blemishes and minor dents don't hurt the sound of the tuba, but it affects its resale value.
3. Decide if you want to buy a 3- or 4-valve tuba. Most beginners start with three valves and work up to the fourth valve. Make sure the valves move freely, yet are quiet and tight.
4. Inspect the water valves to make sure they are operating properly. Also, check the in and out tubes to make sure they slide easily.
5. Hold the tuba. Make sure it comfortably fits on your lap when you play it. Also, position your hands and feet correctly.
6. Check out the mouthpiece. A standard mouthpiece typically comes with a tuba purchase, but there are a wide variety of mouthpieces for sale. Check with your music instructor for guidance as to the best mouthpiece to buy.
7. Make sure the price of the instrument includes a hard-sided case. Many tuba salespersons offer a carrying bag, but a bag doesn't protect the instrument-and your investment-the way a solid case does.