Friday, January 31, 2014

Become A Calligrapher

Calligraphy literally means "beautiful writing." It is considered an art form that originated in the Orient and has been studied for more than 3,000 years. Today, people enjoy calligraphy as a hobby and some make it a profession.


1. Learn the art of calligraphy by starting with a kit purchased at your local arts and crafts or hobby store. Calligraphy kits come with everything needed, including instructions. You must learn the basics first to become a good calligrapher.

2. Take lessons. Many arts and crafts stores teach classes on calligraphy. To become a calligrapher requires many hours of concentrated practice.

3. Have patience. Calligraphy is a form of writing letters by brush strokes, much like painting. Becoming a calligrapher takes months of practice. To become an expert calligrapher as a profession can take years.

4. Master the art form of calligraphy and you can hang out your shingle professionally. Framed calligraphy makes beautiful gifts. People like Scripture verses, famous quotes, folk sayings and proverbs written in calligraphy. Advertise your talent and take orders for personalized gifts.

5. Expand your hobby into a business once you are good enough. You can design programs to be printed for receptions, weddings and musical performances. Printed programs in calligraphy are beautifully eye-catching. Churches, high schools, colleges and private dance/music studios can be potential customers. Buy a booth at arts and crafts fairs in your area.

6. Use your imagination. Calligraphy is so creative, the possibilities are endless. Print flyers advertising your talents and services. Take them to Christian bookstores and local businesses. Self-employed business owners may use your talent as a calligrapher to design flyers for advertising their services.