Monday, June 9, 2014

Convert A Pencil Sketch To Digital

Digital Pencil Sketch

Image software allows artists to combine digital techniques and traditional hand drawing techniques to create complex digital art work. You can create a digital version of your sketch by using any graphics software to enhance and reproduce the work on posters, coffee mugs, stickers or anywhere else you'd like to see your artwork reproduced.


1. Scan your pencil sketch to your computer, or load it on your computer from a USB device. Open the image in your image editing software. Image editing software programs all work in a similar fashion. The sketch will typically be either too light, or the lines will show the flaws in the sketch you might not have seen when the sketch was on paper.

2. Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Filters." Select the artistic filters, and look for the sketch or pencil sketch function. Click this option to apply a sketch filter to your pencil sketch. This will darken the lines and enhance the shadow. If you don't have a pencil sketch function, go to the "Colors" menu and choose the "Brightness" option. Adjust the levels to suit your sketch, then use the "Contrast" to balance the shadows until your sketch has the definition for which you're looking.

3. Clear away some of the hard pencil lines using the smudge tool. You may need to do this several times as you balance the mid-tones with your contrast. The smudge tool is time consuming, since you want to go over the lines slowly and carefully. Your image can become deformed by using the smudge tool too often.

4. Apply other filters to help smooth your image. Try adding light and shadow by using the edge detect tool. If you're working with a color sketch, consider making it black and white to help maintain the pencil sketch look. Save your image when you've completed the enhancements and your digital pencil sketch looks good to you.