Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Create Wall Murals

Create Wall Murals

A wall mural can turn an ordinary space into an extraordinary space. Wall murals are used to decorate, to activate the imagination and to communicate important messages. Although it is helpful, mural painting does not require artistic talent. Really, all you need is an idea and some paint, and maybe a transparency projector. However, if you have plans for a very large and complex mural, you may wish to speak with some artist relatives or friends before beginning.


1. Choose your subject or your theme. If this is your first mural, keep your image relatively simple with large, non-complex shapes. Draw your design ahead of time, or find a drawing that fits your idea if you're not confident in your drawing abilities. Trace the drawing onto a transparency, if you plan to use a projector.

2. Use a pencil or a piece of chalk to draw the major elements of the mural onto the wall, either by eyeballing it or by casting the image onto the wall with a projector and tracing the lines.

3. Prepare the area where you'll be painting. Spread out tarps on the floor, mask any areas of the wall that should not be painted, and assemble your materials.

4. Paint in the areas of flat color--like the background and the base color of subjects (minus highlights and shadows). Use a large paintbrush and latex paint for this step. Follow the outline you drew on the wall for guidance. Give the mural a chance to dry before moving to the next step.

5. Paint the details, using a smaller paintbrush and acrylic paint. The smaller the detail, the smaller the paintbrush. Use masking tape to protect any areas you might accidentally paint over. When the painting process is finished, remove the masking tape.