Friday, October 3, 2014

Create Pictures With Text

The ease and convenience of digital photography has led to a rise in popularity of amateur photography. Advances in the software available for desktop photo editing allow for even the most casual photographer to share her creations with friends and family. Users can edit the color, size and shape of their photos, as well as utilize other features such as adding text. You can easily add text to your photos by following a few steps.


1. Open a drawing application, such as Microsoft Paint. Paint is an application that can be used to create simple drawings, as well as edit digital image files. If you do not have MS Paint installed on your computer, use the page linked in Resources to download it.

2. Open the picture to which you want to add text. Click on the "File" drop-down menu and once on the "Open" option. Use the "Look in" drop-down menu to select the folder in which the image is saved. Make certain that "All Picture Files" option is selected in the "Files of type" field to ensure all of the image file types will be displayed.

3. Click once on the "Text" option, which is represented by a capital letter "A" to the left of the image. Choose from a colored background or a transparent background for the text box in which the text will be placed using the boxes below the options area.

4. Click once in the area of the picture where you want to add the text. This will place a small test box that can be adjusted by clicking once on one of the small squares surrounding the box and dragging to the appropriate size while holding down the mouse button. You will no longer be able to adjust the text box formatting after you click on another tool.

5. Click once inside the text box and type the desired text into the text box. A "Text Toolbar" should pop up once you click inside the text box, which will allow you to adjust the font, font size and color. If the "Text Toolbar" does not pop up, right-click once inside the text box and select "Text Toolbar." Don't forget to save the image under a new name to preserve the original image file.