Monday, October 13, 2014

Create Tissue Paper Wall Art

Finding wall art can be a real hassle when you're working on a budget. You want art that says something about your design skills but doesn't put a huge dent in your pocketbook. You could create your own custom wall art, but what if you don't have any artistic talent? Try tissue paper art. You don't have to be an artist to create these 1-of-a-kind works of art. Read on to learn more.


1. Gather your supplies and find a clean work surface to begin putting together your tissue paper wall art. Cover your work surface with newspaper or cloth if you don't want it to get damaged.

2. Lay your prepared canvas face up on the work surface.

3. Tear your tissue paper into strips or small pieces and set aside. You can choose to do a monochromatic effect by tearing different hues of the same color or you can choose to do a little bit of each color.

4. Squirt an ample amount of paste onto your canvas, and use a foam brush to spread the glue out.

5. Lay a piece of tissue paper on top of the glue, then apply more glue on top of it, smoothing out any bubbles with your foam brush.

6. Repeat the process until the entire canvas is covered with tissue paper. Let it dry for at least 24 hours before hanging your tissue paper wall art.