Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bead & Wire Projects

Beads come in a virtually endless variety of colors, shapes and materials.

Beads and craft wire are two of the most common supplies in the repertoire of a jewelry artisan. They are also some of the most versatile findings, and when combined, you can create a variety of projects in both wearable and display art. Combine different types of beads and wire using techniques ranging from simple, five-minute projects to complex works of art.

Wire Wrapping

Wire wrapping is both a decorative and practical wire jewelry making method designed to build a wire cage to wrap around an object, like a stone, marble or bead. With beads, you can make an extra-secure wire wrap that weaves through the bead hole before wrapping around the bead. Try a basic spiral wrap that weaves through the bead, then back around it on the outside. Add twists or spirals for visual interest. Experiment to make designs you like; the finished products may be strung together or hung as pendants or earrings.


Weaving with wire and beads is a process that uses tiny beads (like seed beads) and fine, threadlike beading wire to create a basket-like material that's broad and flat. Each bead-weave design has its own pattern, but the process generally consists of threading beads on the lowest rows of the weave with two or more bundled strands of wire. The wires are bent and pulled in different direction and strung with more beads to create a woven design.


To make sculptures, combine thicker wires and beads in a technique similar to weaving, but more free form. Make wire sculptures by shaping strands of wire covered in beads, or twist and bend the wire so that a strand can have just a few "floating" beads on it.


If you find a pair of large, interesting beads, combine them with wire and a couple of small spacer beads (such as giant seed beads) to make a pair of earrings. For each earring, thread the beads onto a length of wire just long enough for the beads, plus a tiny loop at each end. Twist some sterling silver wire into a small fish hook shape to form the earring wire; place a small loop at the base of the hook to fasten the wire with the beads. For best results, use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to bend your wire just right.


You may be familiar with beaded necklaces made with string, but you can also make dangling bead necklaces with wire. To do use, use a technique called rosary looping (named because it's used in rosaries). Thread a short length of wire through each bead and twist a tiny loop into the wire just outside each end of the beading hole. String the beads together by fastening the loop of one bead to the loop of the next, creating a sort of chain. This design is durable, easy to repair and has an elegant look.