Monday, October 21, 2013

Grants For Theater Organizations

Numerous philanthropic associations offer a variety of grants.

Passion, drive and innovation may be the foundations on which theater organizations are built, but they won't pay for production expenses, advertising or the myriad other costs that come with maintaining a successful artistic organization. Thankfully, numerous philanthropic associations offer a variety of grants to ensure the performing arts' continued ability to enlighten, entertain and inspire audiences.

National Endowment for the Arts

The National Endowment for the Arts offers a variety of grants for nonprofit theater organizations of all shapes and sizes. These grants are tailored to various sorts of theatrical development, including the creation of new plays, the preservation of cultural heritage through performing arts, the development of programs that reach out to underserved audiences, the development of theater education programs for children and more. Grants range from $5,000 to $250,000. Apply online with varying deadlines throughout the year.

The Schubert Foundation

These grants are geared toward nonprofit, professional resident and children's theaters. Applying organizations must illustrate their artistic contributions as well as fiscal and administrative strengths. The foundation also seeks companies who are producing new and/or noteworthy contributions to American theater. New theaters are welcome, as long as they show an established track record. Grants range from $5,000 to $275,000. Application requests are found online but must be mailed or faxed. Requests accepted July through December, applications August through December.

New Generations Program

From the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and Theatre Communications Group, the New Generations Program offers three types of grants: Future Leaders, a mentorship-based grant for emerging leaders in all theatrical fields; Future Audiences, for theaters with a proven record of reaching young, multicultural and/or underserved audiences; and Future Collaborations, to aid the pursuit of international theatrical collaboration. Grants up to $80,000 are available. Apply online.

National Theatre Company Grants

The American Theatre Wing is focusing its 2010 round of National Theatre Company Grants on promising new nonprofit theater organizations. Organizations must be at least 5 but no more than 15 years old and show proof of a distinct mission, a cultivated audience and a core community of talented creators. Ten grants are being given in 2010, each in the amount of $10,000. Apply online.