Building fake rocks is an artistic activity that you can do with your children as a craft project. Whether you're creating fake rocks as toys in the playroom, as a prop for a play or movie, or as home decor, this fast and simple project can bring you and your family together for the afternoon.
1. Mold a piece of chicken wire into the outline and general shape you would like your fake rock to be. This will be the skeleton of your fake rock.
2. Prepare your papier-mache mixture. Combine one part flour and two parts water in a large bowl. Mix thoroughly until the liquid is the consistency of glue.
3. Rip newspaper into strips and gently dip each piece of newspaper into the papier-mache mixture before applying it to the chicken wire frame. Apply enough dipped newspaper to cover the entire top of the rock. Wait approximately 24 hours for the top of the rock to dry, then flip it over and apply the newspaper and papier-mache mixture to the bottom of the rock. Allow 24 hours to dry before continuing.
4. Coat the rock in a thin layer of papier-mache liquid, then press fiberglass cloth over the entire surface. You can purchase fiberglass cloth at your local boating supply store or online (see Resources). Cut off any excess fiberglass cloth with scissors. Allow to dry several hours.
5. Paint the surface of the rock with laminating resin. You can purchase laminating resin at your local home supply store or online (see Resources). Use a paintbrush to evenly coat the entire rock with laminating resin, then allow to dry 24 hours.
6. Sponge the surface of the rock with latex paint for a speckled effect. Mix white and black latex paint together to create several different shades of gray. Use these gray shades to gently sponge paint across the surface of the rock, switching and mixing the grays together to create a realistic look.