Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Create A Gothic Poem

Gothic poems allow the writer to express the deep, gloomy thoughts from the pit of despair in the soul. A poem will allow an outlet or avenue for expression of feelings that the person may be uncomfortable vocalizing. Writing down your thoughts is therapeutic. It allows you to see your thoughts on paper as a personal expression and may afford you relief from troubling feelings.


1. Select your topic. What are you trying to express? You have a wide variety of emotions and moods from which to choose. Search deep inside for an idea or thought that you want to put into words. Writing it down can separate you from any sense of judgment or repercussion perceived by vocalizing. It can be done away from the prying eyes of others.

2. Outline your topic. Choose words that best describe the feelings you are having about the topic you choose. The more descriptive words you use the better.

3. Maintain your privacy if the poem is not meant to be shared. Don’t leave your papers out in the open. This allows for unwarranted feedback and criticism. You must decide how much of yourself you allow into the writings. If your poems are for your personal benefit, then you are the reviewer and critic for your own material. You may choose to write your poem in a private journal.

4. Resist falling into the trap of trying to please someone else with what you are writing. This is a personal revelation you are expressing. You need to be true to yourself. This will allow you a sense of satisfaction. Your work will be your own. Do not allow what others think to color the way you express yourself.