Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Create A Kindle Email Id

The Kindle electronic reader from is able to do much more than just read books. The Kindle 3 can surf the Web, read out loud and play music in addition to reading email attachments. These attachments, generally Microsoft Word files or picture files, can be emailed to the Kindle user's Kindle email address for a small charge. Creating the Kindle email address where the documents are sent is simple. Amazon automatically creates a Kindle email address based on the email address registered to your account. However, you can create a new one if desired.


1. Launch a Web browser. Navigate to

2. Click the "Kindle" link on the left side of the home screen. A drop-down menu will load.

3. Click the "Manage Your Kindle" option.

4. Click the "Your Kindle(s)" option.

5. Click "Edit," across from "Kindle E-mail Address."

6. Place your cursor at the end of the Kindle email address next to "Kindle E-mail Address. Click the "Backspace" button on your computer keyboard to erase that address.

7. Type the Kindle email address you wish to use into the newly cleared "Kindle E-mail Address" section. The "" portion of the email address cannot be altered.

8. Click "Update Information" to save your new Kindle email address.