Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Determine The Value Of Vintage Comic Books

Collecting comic books has long been a favorite pastime for children. However, with the value of vintage comic books constantly on the rise adults are becoming the most avid of all comic book collectors. No matter what kind of collector you are, it is always nice to know your prized possessions have more than just sentimental value. Here are some tips to help you find out what your vintage comic books are actually worth.


How Much is Your Vintage Comic Book Worth?

1. Grade your vintage comic book. Determine what condition it is in according to the market. Check if it has a cover and if so, is it torn. Check to see if it's missing pages or if the pages are yellowing. All these factors affect the monetary value of a comic book.

2. Consult the price guides. There are many different books, magazines and online price guides for you to check. Look up your vintage comic book in several different price guides to get a fair assessment of the value.

3. Research the market. Find recent sales of vintage comic books that are comparable to yours to get a better idea gauge of the price your book might fetch. Start by checking online auctions.

4. Set realistic goals. If you are planning to sell your vintage comic book, try to be objective. The comic book may be nearly priceless to you, but you have to respect the market. Be realistic about what a potential buyer may be willing to pay by following the above guidelines.

5. Wait. If you discover your comic is not worth what you hoped it would be, then wait, take care of it and let more time pass. The older and rarer a comic book is, the more it is worth.